Innsbrook Half Marathon Running route
Distance & elevation data
The distance or elevation data not precisely what you expect for this route?
Data from a GPS device can be rough, especially in areas where the terrain (trees, canyons) interfere with GPS signals. And routes drawn on our maps are reliant on people marking trails from satellite images -- the details of which can be hidden by trees.
Elevation can be tricky too. Elevation data is stored on spaced topographical lines, and determining the elevation of a point requires computers to estimate based on how close the point is to the topographical line.
We mitigate this by calculating distance in 3-D (think Pythagorean theorem) and using mathematical techiniques to smooth the elevation data. We come close, but no one can be perfect with imperfect data, even in 2025.
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Surface detail information
HelloDrifter takes a few minutes to obtain surface detail information for every course created on the site. When present, clicking the "information" icon on the right of the map will cause sections of the course to display whether they are path, road, gravel, or dirt.
Please note that this feature is not available everywhere in the world (yet). We currenly support North America, Australia, and Europe. Even then, surface details aren't available unless the course matches data that is available in OpenStreetMap. (Typically, this means that we can't get surface details for very remote courses or courses with imprecise GPX data.)
If you have any questions, contact us through the link at the bottom of the page.
Route favorited by:

Nick Walton St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Maria Anderson Missouri, United States

Craig Wolfe Innsbrook, Missouri, United States

Michael Duchek St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Lisa Luebbert Missouri, United States

Liz Francisco Philippines
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